A Borrowed Word That Says So Much

One of Nicole and I’s favorite authors, Glennon Melton, describes life as bruitiful; a combination of both brutal and beautiful moments. Beautiful moments include the birth of a baby, random acts of kindness and sharing laughter with a friend. Brutal times include mass shootings, devastating acts of mother nature and the tragic loss of life.

This week has been a bit bruitiful for us here at Milestones & Miracles. We lost a friend; a very sweet, energetic 8 year boy who left a lasting impression on so many. He had handsome red hair, gorgeous blue eyes and a smile that was magic. He was taken suddenly and unexpectedly from this world on Wednesday morning. There is no doubt in our minds that as we mourn his loss, Heaven’s angels are celebrating his arrival. As we try to comfort the family and provide for them in their time of need we ask that you remember them in your prayers along with the many other parents who have to say goodbye to their children all too soon.

Life is brutiful. Thank you Glennon for giving us a word to explain some of the most difficult times in life.

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